Promoting Salvation and Godly Living in All Areas of Life in, by, and through Jesus Christ!

Chaurcey D. Boyd General Ministry Model Overview

Jesus says: For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20). This is what it takes to form a biblical church (Matthew 16:13-19)

This ministry aims to encourage people to engage life as a disciple of Jesus Christ in all areas of life.

This ministry meets in various locations at various times as warranted, including in houses as a house church (Genesis 28:10-22; Matthew 18:20, Philemon 1:1-2; 1 Cor 16:19; Col 4:15; Acts 5:42).

To sign up for notifications about meetings please use the Contact menu item.

Ministry include mobile/house/city-to-city ministry and financial considerations and certain characteristics similar to the ministries of Jesus and his faithful biblical apostles and other disciples, and the early post-resurrection church (Luke 8:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; John 3:1-4, 5-8; Matt. 16: 13-16, 17-19; 28:18-20; Eph. 4:11-13, 14-16).

This ministry is available for private/public preaching, prayer, bible study, answers to your spiritual questions, etc.

In the spirit of Jesus, the apostles, and the early church, the ministry regularly worships/serves with and shares with other churches/ministries according to mission priority.

Please check this page and local media for special announcements and/or email or call/text us at the number listed on the contact us information page for information on meeting times and locations.

Chaurcey D. Boyd General Ministry Model Details

This ministry is first and foremost a ministry component/branch (John 15:1-10) of the universal church (Matthew 16:13-19) of Jesus Christ. The use of the word church has reference to Jesus and the biblical apostles use of the word church. Although, the biblical use of the word church has priority, this ministry shall always comply with the US Government use of the word church with regard to financial transactions and Federal/State/Local government taxation laws just as Jesus says (Matthew 22:15-22).

This ministry as a largely mobile self-funded independent biblical ministry does not usually collect money. Any collection is largely taxable and not tax-deductible. This ministry shall comply with the financial/taxation accountability provisions (Luke 20:20-26) of the IRS and other Government institutions discussed for Religion and Taxes. All ministry components shall remain true to God and his Word, Will, and Way. By faith, the ministry shall trust God to provide essential protection against undue interference by government laws, policies, and procedures.

This ministry focuses more on building people than constructing buildings. The ministry financial expenses are extremely low. Therefore, the ministry does not have a need to collect nor does it collect a lot of money. The founder has paid most expenses including facility utilization expenses associated with the ministry. Most money collected to date has been from the founder and his close family and close friends all of which have been negligible amounts. Government tax rules have been and will continue to be obeyed.

The ministry evangelizes the community at large to include targeting those persons who are unattached and desire to remain unattached to traditional church centers for whatever reason to provide them with spiritual guidance, worship, and fellowship opportunities. Consequently, this ministry include mobile/house ministry and financial considerations and certain characteristics similar to the ministries of Jesus and his faithful biblical apostles and other disciples, and the early post-resurrection church (Luke 8:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; John 3:1-4, 5-8; Matt. 16: 13-16, 17-19; 28:18-20; Eph. 4:11-13, 14-16).

Be mindful that Jesus did not establish a regular building for his ministry. He instead frequently met along with others in synagogues already established as well as other public/private places. This included meeting with elders who did not hold the same views as he held regarding ministry and God's Word, Will, and Way. The apostles did the same as they met in synagogues along with the Jews on the Sabbath and in houses or other places at other times including the first day of the week; e.g., consider Paul's custom of going into the synagogue (Acts 17:2) like Jesus custom (Luke 4:16) If it was good enough for Jesus and the apostles it is good enough for us as needed.

This ministry meets in local church buildings, homes or other appropriate public places on various days of the week as needed. In the spirit of Jesus, the apostles, and the early church, the ministry regularly worships/serves with and shares with other churches/ministries according to mission priority. The ministry is available for private/public preaching, prayer, bible study, answers to your spiritual questions, etc.

The ministry recognizes Sundays as our primary day of community assembly in honor of Jesus resurrection. However, the ministry holds that any day can be a day of assembly. The ministry may meet on Saturdays instead of Sundays especially if a facility is shared with another church which it may use on Sundays.

This ministry promotes sound doctrine regarding spiritual issues especially contemporary ones. This ministry emphasizes biblically sound doctrine over denominational loyalty.

This ministry exists to provide an opportunity for brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus to publicly and privately fellowship together for the purposes of worship and ministry in accordance with Hebrews 10:24-25 which calls for us not to forsake the assembly of ourselves together.  This involves living on the foundation of grace from God by way of Jesus Christ and being gracious to one another knowing that none of us has achieved full spiritual perfection.

This ministry includes praise, prayer, preaching, teaching, and practice.  This involves encouraging each other, considering each other, and provoking each other unto love and good works.  This includes ministering to the day to day needs of believers and the community (Acts 2:37-47). 

This includes most importantly calling non-believers to believe so they also can actively begin this faithful journey of eternal life through the one and only needed Saviour, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For like Jesus I am called to preach “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand “ (Matthew 4:17).  Indeed, like all, including the biblical apostles, I am called to repentance. Only Jesus was perfect without need for repentance.  In Jesus we have redemption, through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace (Ephesians 1:7).

In times of increasing religious, political, economic, social, and family confusion and disorder, it’s important that church clarity in application of the eternal sound doctrine of Jesus Christ and the faithful biblical apostles be set forth boldly with love, faith, and grace without compromise. Indeed, we are called to minister without compromise according to the spirit of the new covenant/testament rather than the letter of the old/new covenant (II Corinthians 3:6).  My use of the phrase without compromise does not mean that I believe every occasion and venue is the right time and place for boldness.  It means the wisdom of the Holy Spirit will determine that right time and place. I can respect, tolerate, and be patient with others without personally knowingly submitting to their wrong or any extensive promotion/promulgation/misleading of biblically unsound doctrine.  I hope for the same for me from others.  Indeed not all doctrinal differences justify complete physical separation; for even the biblical apostles went to the Jewish synagogue on the Jewish  Sabbath to testify to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Let us not be afraid to repent.  In terms of eternity, it is better for us, those we love, and the overall body of Christ. For God is always glorified in repentance and we shall be justly rewarded (II Corinthians 5:6-10).  As a song says, to the glory of God I give my heart, to the glory of God I give my soul, to the glory of God I give my all and all and all.

Key Mission Elements of Ministry

  • Worship and Love the One True God In Spirit and Truth
  • Lift Up Jesus Christ as the True Messiah/Saviour/Ultimate-Judge
  • Love Self and Others
  • Evangelize the Lost and Revive the Backslider
  • Don't Judge/Condemn Persons but Judge/Condemn Evil Behavior
  • Spiritually Mature the Saved
  • Help the Saved Live a Saved Obedient Life That Glorifies God
  • Help the Saved Overcome/Endure Life’s Spiritual and Temporal (Political, Academic, Social, Economic, Illness, etc.) Challenges
  • Provide Relief to the Poor and Oppressed
Example Key Scriptures: Luke 9:62; 19:10; John 4:19-26; 10:10; 14:6; Matt 5:13-16; 6:33; 7:1-5; 22:15-17, 18-21, 34-37, 38-40; 25:1-46; 1 Cor 5:1-13; 6:1-5; 2 Cor 5:7; Joshua 24:15

Ministry Motto:

A Mobile Ministry (Matthew 18:20; Acts 20:20; Joshua 24:15)
A Ministry for Recognition, Rebirth, Recommitment, Sustainment, and Growth
A House of Prayer and Refuge for All People
A Family Altar in Every Home
Holy, Healthy, Hopeful and Happy Households!
Personal & Societal Compliance to God
Make Eternal Life in Heaven Your Primary Reward

If you have any questions or would like to talk about church matters and services including private in-home visits for praise, prayer, preaching, or reading of the Bible, please contact me.

Be ye followers of me, even  as I also am of Christ! (I Corinthians 11:1)